How Does Outpatient Rehab Work?

In 2017, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency. Those dealing with opioid use disorder are still suffering and looking for support.

In Maryland alone, opioid-related deaths increased by 14.5% in 2020. For many, outpatient rehab may be the solution for long-term treatment and progress. But how does outpatient drug rehab work? To get answers about what the treatment involves, how long it takes and more, read on.

What Is Outpatient Rehab?

Outpatient rehab includes any addiction treatment program that takes place outside of residential facilities or hospitals. Instead of checking into a facility and remaining there throughout treatment, patients come to an outpatient office for appointments on a timeline that works for them.  

Now more than ever, Marylanders dealing with opioid misuse need flexible, accessible care. Unlike inpatient programs, outpatient rehab delivers care around normal daily life while offering:

  • affordable treatment
  • patient education
  • medication assisted treatment (MAT)
  • counseling sessions
  • one-on-one case management

This option benefits patients with other obligations, such as jobs or family responsibilities. Outpatient care can also include patients' support networks in their treatment plans. Additionally, outpatient MAT makes withdrawal safer and less stressful for patients in outpatient programs. The use of outpatient MAT can lead to greater treatment outcomes and sustained sobriety over time.

How Does Outpatient Rehab Work?

Patients new to this treatment option may wonder: how does outpatient rehab work? Inpatient or residential programs can be much more rigid. Patients new to outpatient rehab may not know what to expect. Read on as we discuss what is involved in outpatient rehab.

During outpatient treatment, a patient receives care at a facility that they visit regularly. At the start, patients visit their outpatient treatment center on a weekly schedule. Over time, patients may graduate to monthly visits as patients progress and improve.

To provide effective treatment that allows patients to go about their daily lives, certain outpatient centers offer medication assisted treatment. The medication keeps patients from going into opioid withdrawal and helps curve severe cravings.

While the patient will take their medication in the comfort of their own home, they still need to come to the clinic for care and monitoring. This includes visits with the provider to assess  whether the dosage needs to be altered. In addition, the patient could be enrolled in counseling sessions if the patient chooses to participate.  

Throughout treatment, outpatient programs will generally test patients for opioid use. At MATClinics, patients provide urine samples for drug screening at each appointment.

Many considering outpatient treatment wonder about the time commitment requires. Because outpatient rehab is so individualized, there’s not one set response to “how long is outpatient rehab?” But the ability to pursue treatment while going about your daily life makes this option a sustainable one, even for long periods of time.

What Happens If You Fail a Drug Test in Outpatient Rehab?

Addiction recovery is a complicated and unique journey for each patient. Relapses are part of the process. Failing a drug test during rehab doesn’t mean the end of that process or a patient’s long-term progress.

Drug screening during treatment is not to punish patients who are struggling during recovery. But it is still an important part of safe and effective outpatient rehab. Providers need to know when relapses occur and what drugs patients have taken. Knowing about relapses allows providers to adjust treatment plans as needed. Providers also want to make sure patients are taking their medication as prescribed.

Case managers can also recommend counseling services to patients when they are ready. The counseling sessions can help a patient uncover the root of their addiction and develop healthy coping mechanisms that stave off the desire to use again. Patients can work with their case manager to decide what type of addiction counseling is right for them.

Learn How MATClinics’ Outpatient Programs Support Patients

During this ongoing opioid crisis, patients across Maryland continue to struggle with opioid dependence. MATClincis' outpatient treatment programs offer them individualized care that relies on proven methods.

Operating in four locations, our outpatient Suboxone® treatment programs empower patients to recover. We assign a case manager to each patient. This ensures that every patient has the care and support they need to succeed in their recovery.

Contact MATClinics today to learn how we help patients unlearn harmful behaviors and overcome relapses during recovery.

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