What is a Suboxone® Clinic? Is It Right for Me?

Opioid addiction, or opioid use disorder, is a chronic disease that is characterized by strong cravings to use opioids. People know that they are physically dependent on opioids when, if they try to stop using, find themselves overwhelmed by withdrawal symptoms.

Opioids include prescription pain medications such as codeine, morphine, Percocet, Vicodin, OxyContin, Hydrocodone, and Demerol as well as street drugs heroin and fentanyl.

When abused, these highly addictive drugs can cause overwhelming health, social, and economic distress. People dependent on opioids prioritize their drug use over all other parts of their lives.

More than two million Americans misuse prescription pain pills and street opioids like heroin and fentanyl.

To address this epidemic, outpatient Suboxone® clinics are rising to the challenge to accommodate the urgent need for treatment.

What is a Suboxone® clinic?

In this article, we’ll address what a Suboxone® clinic is, and if it is the appropriate solution for you or a loved one.

What is a Suboxone® Clinic?

Suboxone® clinics are medication-assisted treatment (MAT) centers. These outpatient rehabilitation centers combine behavioral therapy and prescription medication to treat opioid addiction. Suboxone® doctors prescribe buprenorphine-based medications like Suboxone® and Sublocade® to prevent relapse. The combination of behavioral therapy helps patients go back to living a healthy life.

How Does Suboxone® Treatment Work?

When a person takes pain pills or street opioids, the drug attaches to receptors in the brain. When the receptors are fully “occupied” by opioids, the brain’s perception of pain is reduced.

Suboxone® and other buprenorphine products only partially fill the same receptors. Patients do not experience the same euphoria that they would with pain pills or street drugs, but buprenorphine satisfies the receptors enough that it curbs cravings and stops withdrawal symptoms.

Suboxone® treatment involves taking a daily dose of Suboxone® instead of pain pills or street opioids.

In addition, behavioral therapy is a vital component of Suboxone® treatment. Counselors are assigned based on individual needs and work with individuals to address the underlying emotional issues that contribute to addiction.

All in all, medication-assisted treatment is proven to have the best long term results.

Is a Suboxone® Clinic Right For You?

Medication-assisted treatment with Suboxone® and other buprenorphine medications are highly effective for those struggling with an addiction to opioids. If you are diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder, you are likely a good candidate for treatment.

It’s important to note that while you are prescribed Suboxone®, it is dangerous to drink alcohol or take any benzodiazepines. If you consume either while taking Suboxone®, there is an increased risk of respiratory failure.

Suboxone® treatment replaces pain pills or street opioids with a medication prescribed by a licensed practitioner and partially fills the opioid receptors in your brain. Because it only partially fills the receptors, patients do not continue to build a tolerance. This is an important distinguishing characteristic from methadone. Once patients are stabilized on their medication, they can begin to put their lives back together.

Find a Suboxone® Clinic Near You

MATClinics is a Maryland-based medication-assisted treatment center that helps people recover from opioid addiction.

Our Suboxone® clinic helps patients overcome physical, emotional, and social barriers to help them recover. By combining prescription medication with behavioral therapy, MATClinics provides a truly personalized experience for each patient.

Unlike other clinics that have strict rules about what patients can and cannot do, MATClinics has built a culture that addresses each individual’s needs before administering treatment. You are guaranteed a personalized experience to help you recover from your opioid addiction.

To learn more about Suboxone® Clinics and find out if it is the right option for you, contact MATClinics today.

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